Tarot for Creative Practice + Artful Business

  • The Sun card represents authenticity and clarity. It invites us to emerge from a season of uncertainty, and trust in the truth of our own perspective, our own answers. The Sun is no time for self-doubt. The Sun marks the moment light begins to dawn in the dark of confusion, uncertainty, and overwhelm. It says "you know what you're doing here!" -- the invitation is to believe in that knowing, to trust in our way of working, to remember that no one knows better what is correct for you than you.

    As artists/business owners, there are endless options and ways of doing things. The overwhelming number of options makes it easy to get caught up in comparison. There's nothing wrong with learning! There's NOTHING wrong with seeking out new ways of working and incorporating brilliant new perspectives, approaches, and systems into your workflow. The Sun is not here to say “do it only your way” — quite the opposite, the Sun reminds us that we know how to choose our teachers.

    When The Sun card appears in a reading, it's a reminder that no external influence can ever supersede the wisdom and clarity that comes from within. In business, the sun might show up to caution you against handing over time, money, and energy to teachers who believe they know more than you about what you need, or who promise to fix what is broken within you so you might be more like them (ick.).

    The Sun is an invitation to let go of the overwhelm of external influence and instead use our inner wisdom to clearly choose for ourself who we want to learn from, maintaining a connection with our clarity of choice from the beginning. When we trust in the wisdom of our own perspective, we are able to create from a deeper and more authentic space -- a requirement for bringing unique gifts and talents into the world!

    When The Sun card knocks on your business door, it might be offering the following invitations:

    Embrace clarity! You are not confused! Trust in your own wisdom. Let go of doubt and uncertainty. Imagine yourself standing on a mountain top, looking around with eyes wide open. There are no clouds in sight. Let that feeling soak into your body before returning to your current sticking point.

    Trust yourself! The Sun invites us to trust in the truth of our own answers rather than seeking validation or approval from others. When we trust in our own perspective and intuition, we can create from a place of authenticity and originality. Across many tarot teachers, you'll find a thread of trust in everyone's definition of the sun - you bring a unique perspective to the world. No one is better at being you, and sharing that perspective, than you.

    Create authentically! When we trust that there is truth of our own answers, we create from a deeper and more authentic space. By trusting our own perspective and vision we are better able to create work that is truly our own. Our work then, in turn, resonates with others on a deep level. When we create from our own knowing that knowing radiates outward light a sun beam, warming and delighting everyone it touches.

    Journal/Thought Prompt to carry with you today:

    How might trusting the truth of your own answers help you create your art/work from a deeper and more authentic space today?


    The Sun is an invitation to trust our own wisdom and vision for what is possible, so that we can create from a deep space of clarity, so that we can connect authentically with our people and bring our work into the world.

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